Sharing Chemistry Resources

The purpose of this website is be a site where teachers can share what resources they have used to teach chemistry that have worked well. This website is designed to support the following use cases:

Use Case #1: A teacher who would like others to have good resources for teaching can use this website would be organized by main topics of chemistry. The teacher would be able to share their lesson plan with a description in the correct topic folder. For right now, I am the only teacher sharing the content on this website.

Use Case #2: A teacher who is in need of a lesson to teach would be able to search and find lessons based off of the organization of the different topics.

Use Case #3: As different teachers use different lesson plans, they can give feedback on their experience of using the lesson plan, and they can also rate the lesson plan. When teachers are searching for new lesson plans, they can use the ratings and comments to help them select the best lesson plan for their situation.

Energy Reactions Bonding
This page includes resources that I have used that relate to energy. This page includes resources that I have used that relate to reactions. Topics within this page include physical change vs. chemical change, how to write chemical reactions, and balancing chemical reactions. This page includes resources that I have used that relate to chemical bonds.

If you are looking for more webpages that have similar resources, check out the other resources page.

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